Sharyn Coleman Hypnotherapy

Sharyn Coleman
Hypnotherapist in Boston Spa

Hello! I'm Sharyn - Breathwork Coach and Teacher, Natural Astrologer, Maven

I use the natural cycles and rhythms of the cosmos to help people manage all four quadrants of life - body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The breath is the first cycle we encounter and holds so much magic, coupled with astrology and many other self enquiry tools, all of the elements come together in what is possibly your most sacred heart action - to remember your nature.

I have incredible resilience built up over many joys and challenges and it's inevitable that this, along with my skills and talents, form the basis of the work we could do together. I'm passionate about bringing the sacred into the mundane, reflecting the wisdom of nature and the cosmos in all aspects of life and work, especially in finding the balance between 'doing' and 'being'. Transforming chaos into calm.

Supporting people to find their place of belonging, I also hold space within myself for all parts of me - the accountant, the business leader, the hippie, the spiritual explorer, the magician. When I grow up I want to be a Life Alchemist!

Background & Hypnotherapy Qualifications

A qualified accountant and business leader with an insatiable curiosity for the meaning behind life, I began training as a spiritual counsellor, coach, hypnotherapist and advanced soul plan practitioner and NLP practitioner in 2013, diving into self employment in 2014 where I've offered life and business consulting since - and what a journey it has been! Far more challenging than becoming an accountant!

I've added Breathwork and Astrology to my repertoire in more recent years. Both of them have brought an element of self empowerment to my client sessions. I don't offer healing or fixing. You are your best healer. We are self healing. Your own innate wisdom will heal, and more, if you allow it. But sometimes you need a helping hand.

What I offer is to walk the path of discovery with you, pointing out some of the scenery and allowing your innate intelligence and wisdom to do the rest. I'm like a trekking or tour guide, I can take you to all the right places, but the experience you have when you are there is all yours 😍

My Specialisms

I have an innate ability to "See the wood for the trees!"

Working with overworked high achievers, empowering them to find the peace and harmony that comes from greater self understanding.

Working with the perpetually curious - exploring the questions "Who am I?" "Why am here?" "What is my purpose?"

Working with myQ Life and myQ Business - My own proprietary system of self enquiry.

"Awareness creates acceptance and a greater awakening of potential"

Approach to Hypnotherapy & How I Work

My approach is bespoke and is empowered by who I am working with.

For some it's a one off Astrology or Breathwork coaching session, for some it's a series of sessions that incorporates all my tools and all aspects of life or business.

For some it's a group workshop or even facilitator training.

For everyone I work with, it's meaningful conversations about work, about life, about growth.

I work online via Zoom or in-person in the historic cities of York and Perth (Scotland).

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Hypnotherapy Online/Telephone £121 per 75 minutes We have verified this therapists Hypnotherapy credentials!
Counselling Online/Telephone £121 per 75 minutes We have verified this therapists Counselling credentials!
Life Coaching Online/Telephone £121 per 75 minutes We have verified this therapists Life Coaching credentials!
Astrological Counselling Online/Telephone £121 per 75 minutes We have verified this therapists Astrological Counselling credentials!

Additional Rate Information

If you'd like to meet for a chat before booking, please use this link to book an online cuppa and chat into our diaries - *you provide your own cuppa 😜