Ingrid Hoffman

Moon Shadow—Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini—November 30th

Posted by Ingrid Hoffman Over 1 Year Ago

Tonight, the shadow of our Earth sweeps across the face of the Moon in Gemini. Imagine how our ancestors would have observed the Moon growing darker, redder, or paling into blue, depending on the amount of dust in our atmosphere—a sign from the Heavens?
Modern astrologers tend to agree that eclipses are wild cards, and the effects are unpredictable, though solar eclipses tend to be externalised; lunar eclipses are subtler, more internal, often related to the past, to our emotions and perceptions.
Eclipses are times of recalibration, symbolic power points that hold the potential to generate new developments in listless situations. Eclipses affect the charts of nations (Uranus is 8° Gemini in the US birth chart) and for those who have planets or angles at this sensitive degree point, this may be the time to make a point of no return decision; or a sense of being overshadowed, “eclipsed” by circumstances.
The effects of an eclipse are felt most strongly on the day, but often within two weeks of the eclipse, so observe events as they unfold in our own lives and on the world stage between now and up to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on December 14th.
Gemini symbolism is about thoughts and words. Florence Scovel Shinn said that “life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, our deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.”
In the round of the Zodiac, we encounter the Archetype of The Twins. In Gemini we meet the complexities of relating with another who may disappoint us, who may leave us, who may break our trust. Gemini encapsulates the essence of The Lovers, the sixth card in Tarot. In the mythic story of Gemini we may we encounter, personally and collectively, the search for the Twin Soul who will mirror our shadowy doppelganger, bring to our attention those parts of ourselves that we have disowned and discarded.
This month, personally, or collectively, we have the opportunity to encounter the paradox of choice, the pathos of separation, the indecision of opposition, the chance to listen more deeply in the holiness of silence and pause long enough, breathe deeply enough, to recognise a purposeful pattern, a deep Intelligent Design at work.
May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god—John O’Donahue.
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