Alicia Qin Life Coaching

Alicia Qin
Life Coach in London

Hello! My name is Alicia and I am a holistic wellness practitioner. My healing journey started in my early teens when my tumultuous and traumatic upbringing left me ​crippled with various mental health conditions, including complex PTSD. I was filled with self-loathing and didn't ​know if I would ever find relief from my suffering. Needless to say, my journey has been a ​long and challenging one.

Finding redemption amidst my pain and isolation is what guided me to this work. I firmly believe that working through my own struggles and traumas has ​deepened my capacity for empathy, strengthened my spirit, and prepared me to serve ​others. My intention is to touch people's hearts with my work and spread light and ​healing to those who need it. Please get in touch on +447742842209 or email if you would like to book a session with me.

Background & Life Coaching Qualifications

PSYCH-K® Facilitator
ITEC Level 3 Diploma Massage Therapy
Life Coach

My Specialisms


A therapeutic massage tailored to ​your needs. Combines techniques ​such as Swedish, deep tissue, and ​lymphatic drainage to promote ​relaxation, relieve muscle ​tension, improve circulation, and ​restore harmony and balance to ​the body. Sessions take place in ​London, either at your preferred ​location or in my treatment room.


A powerful modality to reprogram ​the subconscious mind and ​transform limiting beliefs, enabling ​you to break free from old ​patterns and experience rapid ​personal growth and healing. It is ​endorsed by prominent figures in ​the spiritual community, such as ​Bruce Lipton and Louise Hay. ​Remote sessions available for ​international clients.


My aim is to create a nurturing ​environment where you can ​freely explore your authentic ​self and reconnect with your ​inner guidance. Often, clarity ​arises effortlessly in a safe ​space where we can untangle ​our thoughts and emotions, and ​allow them them to naturally fall ​into alignment.

Approach to Life Coaching & How I Work

Sessions can be conducted online via google meet or in-person in London. Please visit my booking page to book a session.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Massage Therapy In Person £55 per 60 minutes
Life Coaching Online/Telephone £55 per 60 minutes
PsychK Online/Telephone £55 per 60 minutes
PsychK In Person £55 per 60 minutes

Additional Rate Information

Discounts are available for package sessions. Please get in touch for further information.