Kevin Davies Bioresonance Therapy

Kevin Davies
Bioresonance Therapist in Poole

At Bio Health Scan we help people recover from their injuries quicker than conventional methods in a safe and pain free way.
You can probably imagine how complicated that can be.
We look at the processes keeping you healthy and we also need to figure out what is keeping your body from healing properly.
Everyone is talking about increasing our Health Span, fulfilling one of our greatest desires to stay as fit and healthy as possible for as long as possible, even though the years are ticking by.

So I created a framework for using this incredible technology so you can get great results just like the professionals.
And along the way, help you become your own Health Boss.

What follows is my unique '5 Method' that will change the way you use your system, so you too can achieve great results. This framework will work for you regardless of where you are in your health cycle.

Discover your Inside Story...
Beneath the surface there are a lot of things that can go wrong, leading to good health vanishing all too quickly.
With the increase in antibiotic resistant diseases, bacteria & viruses are wreaking havoc, with our bodies expressing all manner of symptoms.

Our Bio Health Scan completes a fast Automated Full Body Scan to pinpoint obvious
and non obvious areas of interest that need immediate attention and treats you in the same session.
Ideal for keen health enthusiasts taking preventative health measures to the next level.
Many families are waking up to a better way to manage their health thanks to my unique '5 Step Method'.

Videos for Pathways to health with Bio Resonance.

Kevin Davies is the enthusiastic, full-of-life Founder of Bio Health Scan that focuses on Frequency Medicine technology to help people recover from sports injuries and chronic pain, quickly. Kevin's remarkable story began when he sadly lost 90% of his gross motor function due to an unprovoked attack from behind. This blow to his head knocked his health back for years while he dealt with back spasms that felt like sharp little stabbing knives on his nerves. It was when the doctors told him there was nothing more they could do, that Kevin, with all his positivity and determination looked for alternative solutions to get his body back on track. And that was the beginning of his new life changing journey, leading him to discover the amazing benefits that Frequency Medicine has to offer. He is now a trusted advisor and distributor of Bio Health Scans that automatically detect pain signals at the source and then treat it rapidly.

I made the decision to open Bio Health Scan to fulfil my desire to help others regain their health by providing a convenient and simple way for people to try or buy these systems at a fair and reasonable price with exceptional customer service.
View our Guide the 'Inside Track to staying in Front' for rapid recovery from sports injury.

Discover what's going on inside from an Automated Full Body Scan.
It's fast, safe, non invasive and very convenient.
Accelerated Healing, Pathogen Discovery, Virus Screening and Top 30 Bug zap.
Used by therapists, chiropractors, homeopaths, professionals and by home users keen on sports or for rehabilitation from chronic health conditions.


One of the most interesting discoveries you can find out about yourself today!

Background & Bioresonance Therapy Qualifications

I have been working with Frequency Medicine from 2004.
Trained in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki Level II, Hand held Scenar type devices from Denas.

Bought my first Bio Resonance system February 2017.
Developed Session Guide 1 parts 1,2&3, Took over 10 months to devise and a year to document, presented to you as your pictorial tutorial to get you up and going as quickly as possible, saving you loads of valuable time to get you going as quickly as possible.
First class Remote Assistance by phone, email or the secure messaging system telegram.
Remote Assistance using third party software AnyViewer.
Bought my First Rife machine Jan 2016.
Use and offer support for the latest computer controlled Spooky2 from 2016.
Researched depletion diseases, that's now marketed under Bioscan for you Essential Mineral and Vital Vitamin reports.
Student of Orthomolecular Medicine from 2015, published my Free Vit C Guide.
First SCANAR device 2004, AcuScen, then Denas, Gold standard are provided by LET Medical.
Introduced to Frequency Medicine in 2003, and I kept coming back, then bought and learned how to use this awesome technology.

My Specialisms

Automated Full Body Scan to pinpoint obvious and non obvious areas of interest that need immediate attention and then treat in the same session with the latest AIO Bio Health Scan systems.
Accelerated Healing, Pathogen Discovery, Virus Screening, Top 30 Bug zap.
View our Guide the 'Inside Track to staying in Front' for rapid recovery from sports injury.
I am not a medical professional. I use these systems on my road back to health and now supply and support them.

I am a trusted advisor and distributor of Bio Health Scans that automatically detect pain signals at the source and then treat it rapidly.

Bio Health Scan has also been accepted by the CMA and gained Approved Supplier status to help Spas, Clubs, Centres, families, professionals and practitioners identify our continuing commitment to ethical trading, safety, sustainability, excellence of our products and services and our desire to help and contribute towards the holistic health sector.

Approach to Bioresonance Therapy & How I Work

Are you Curious About Your Health?
Are you searching for a better way to manage your health?
We help people every day improve their health, recover from their sports injuries quicker than conventional methods in a safe and pain free way.
You can probably imagine how complicated that can be.
We look at the processes keeping you healthy and we also need to figure out what is keeping your body from healing properly.
Everyone is talking about increasing our Health Span, fulfilling one of our greatest desires to stay as fit and healthy as possible for as long as possible, even though the years are ticking by.

So I created a framework for using this incredible technology so you can get great results just like the professionals.
And along the way, help you become your own Health Boss.

My unique '5 step Method' that will change the way you use your system, so you too can achieve great results. This framework will work for you regardless of where you are in your health cycle.

If you are suffering from a sporting (Acute) injury or searching for a way to regain your health from a long term (Chronic) health condition, my unique '5 Step Method' will still work for you.

The health and wellbeing market is evolving, being at the forefront with new technology that stimulates the body to optimal performance, is much more appealing than conventional methods.

Videos for Pathways to health with Bio Resonance.

By using the latest in computer controlled Bio Resonance systems you may find the missing link you have been looking for.
Try it before you Buy It. Demonstrations available at my Sales & Marketing Centre, 29 Laidlaw Close, Talbot Village, Poole. BH12 5EW. Up by Bournemouth University Campus.

With more research we can only get better!

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Bioresonance Therapy In Person £178 per 120 minutes
Bioresonance Therapy In Person £98 per 60 minutes
Bioresonance Therapy Online/Telephone Please Call

Additional Rate Information

Discover your Inside story to increase your Health span and Feel the difference with a Bio Resonance Health Scan. Bio Health Scans sessions are up to 2hrs to scan and treat in the same session. Available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays each week. Morning sessions start at 9.30am. Afternoon sessions at 2pm. Free 10 minute Web chat available Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday each week between 11.30am and 2pm. Bio Health Scan sessions normally £198. Find A Therapy offer 10% discount when you mention BYOHB at time of booking. distant Bio Health Scan to scan & treat in the same session £238 includes Scancaster so you can view your scan, on your pc, in the comfort of your own home. Bioscan Mineral & Vitamin reports (Normally £58) included when you visit my Centre for a Bio Health Scan session. Convenient Online booking at Curious about Health? Find out how Frequency Medicine can help you at