
Therapists in Frome

Verified Therapist


Kara Mia Vernon

Kara Mia Vernon

Naturopath, Nutritionist, Colon Hydrotherapy Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Natural Solutions to your health challenges.

I treat clients from all aspects of health - physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual.

Symptoms and illness can be multifaceted and not just as a result of the food we put in our mouths. I use... [read more]

Allergy Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy
Colon Hydrotherapy
Nutritional Therapy
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Dave Costello

Dave Costello

I have been working as a complimentary therapist since 2004, and have trained in CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY, ADVANCED REIKI and in EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE. These powerful therapies have proven to give excellent results to a wide variety of physical and psychological conditions.

I have a background as an Occupational Therapist, and worked... [read more]

Energy Medicine
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Jenni Townsend

Jenni Townsend

With over 20 years experience and a professional and caring approach, Jenni specialises in The Bowen Technique, Reiki Healing and Equine Bowen Therapy.

Gentle and relaxing, a Bowen treatment initiates your body's innate healing ability, promoting a response which encourages your body to rebalance, realign and restore its own level... [read more]

Bowen Technique
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Verified Therapist


Paula Fenn

Paula Fenn

I am a qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist and a Member of a number of Professional Counselling/Psychotherapy bodies. This includes being a Senior Accredited Member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy whose Code of Ethics I adopt. I work predominantly with individuals and utilise a Psychoanalytic perspective.

I believe it is... [read more]

Crystal Therapy
Life Coaching
Regression Therapy
Relationship Therapy
Tension and Trauma Releasing
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Caroline Chalk

Caroline Chalk

To find peace of mind it's necessary to address all levels: body, mind and emotions. In the supportive environment of our counselling sessions you'll learn skills to manage things like negative circular thinking patterns; loss of confidence; performance anxiety and painful, stress induced tension.

Psychologist, Viktor Frankl said "Between... [read more]

Alexander Technique
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Nicola Johnson

Nicola Johnson

My name is Nic and I am a Family Constellations Facilitator running workshops from The Blue Room at The Practice Rooms, Stokes Croft Bristol and doing one to ones in Frome and Bristol and on line.

I have been sharing this amazing work now for a few years and continue to train... [read more]

Family Constellation
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