Ingrid Hoffman

Be Brave—New Moon in Aries— April 12th

Posted by Ingrid Hoffman Over 1 Year Ago

Be Brave—New Moon in Aries— April 12th.
Courage is found in unlikely places - J.R.R. Tolkien.
There are many ways to be brave in this world. That act of will that gets us out of bed, the strength to put the kettle on, when all the colour has faded out of the world we once knew. The courage that compels us sit at the side of a friend who is dying even though our heart is breaking. The courage that says Enough. No more. The broken-open, brave-hearted courage that says yes, even though we're trembling. We may discover that courage is found in unlikely places; quietly concealed in the small choices we make each new day.
This New Moon in Aries joins Eris, Mercury, Venus and Chiron in the shapeshifting, purifying, regenerating element of fire this new week. For some, this may be a time of brave new beginnings; Big Bang commitments that infuse us with life-affirming energy and take us to the very edge of discomfort after months of keeping small and safe.
As we journey through Aries territory this month, we may have to have to take a stand, fight for our rights, acknowledge that there are no “quick fixes”, no easy exits.
This New Moon makes a no-going back now square to a smouldering Pluto, so this won’t be about taking the easy road as we dare to be brave this new week.
The archetype of Aries is a celebration of the resilience of the human spirit, an affirmation of our ability to muster the courage to do what is morally right, to find the humour in teetering at the cliff edge.
The iconic John Wayne gives voice to the Aries archetype, “courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. Most of us know that it takes great courage to saddle up anyway. Most of us know how it feels to fall. But as we trust the warm nudge of our inner guidance today, we may we discover courage in unlikely places.