
Useful life coaching articles

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Matt Valentine-Chase

Sleep is a cornerstone of healthy child development, influencing everything from cognitive function to emotional well-being. As parents seek to support their children's growth, understanding the importance of quality sleep is paramount. In this guide, we will delve into how sleep impacts child development and provide actionable tips for fostering better sleep habits. Additionally, we'll touch upon... [read more]

Neemisha Naugah

You have been the good child throughout your life. Always obedient, kind, quiet, pleasing, tidy and smiling. As a child, others have complimented you about your good behaviour. But now as an adult, you feel exhausted, burnout, lost, worthless, small, depressed, anxious, confused and invisible. You don't know what you want and cannot make decisions for... [read more]

Michele Poulton

HOW do YOU deal with CHANGE  ? Constant change is part of life, but big changes can create uncertainty and upheaval and many people really dread change . The breakup of a relationship or loss of a job that you weren’t prepared for, comes as unwelcome change that can be shocking and traumatic.  Even planned change, such a... [read more]

Mike  Lawrence

Seasonal Affective Disorder In recent weeks, I've noticed a mood shift in clients, friends and colleagues. Could some be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD for short or the Winter Blues? Similarly to many people, I experience a change in my stamina at this stage of the year due to shorter days and the colder weather. We tend... [read more]

Paulina Slater

Transition: Whales, and baboons

Posted by Paulina Slater 1178 Days Ago

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, today lovely parts and sad parts. I walked through Hermanus for an hour and a half, stopping to gaze, as a mother and calf whale swam lazily down the bay from opposite my bedroom window to the end of town, magical and healing. The Cafe on the Rocks ( as in... [read more]

Paulina Slater

Wild Work. Being, Sensing, Experiencing.

Posted by Paulina Slater 1178 Days Ago

A Day in the iMfolosi Wilderness, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa Waking with the earth, I stir deliciously slowly. The still cool air reverberates with promise. I feel gentle excitement. Lapping and plopping, the river carries the message that regular visitors are refreshing themselves in its it soft shallow water: five years of drought have left scars. I feel... [read more]

James Wilson

Building confidence in times of uncertainty

Posted by James Wilson 1502 Days Ago

The last 6 months of lockdown, isolation and ‘new normal’ has signified unprecedented change, disruption and transition in all of our lives – that all happened very quickly. Your employment situation may have changed, living situation or dynamic, family, childcare, social contact, exercise, health, travel and future plans to name a few. This means a total shift... [read more]

Cheryl Binnis

Many of us are experiencing mixed emotions as lockdown eases and we are encouraged to return to a ‘more normal life’. On one hand we may feel a sense of relief that the Government deems is safe enough for us to go out more and socialise, and we might feel energised by the prospect of going... [read more]

Sarah Veall

I had planned to launch my new brand this Spring and having done some significant soul-searching, reflecting on whether it was the right time, given the Covid-19 Pandemic, I came to the conclusion it was still appropriate for me to put some clear intentions out there representing what I can offer and how I do it,... [read more]

Pankaj Garg

How to Nurture a Relationship

Posted by Pankaj Garg 1667 Days Ago

Relationships between two adult individuals are always one of the most challenging aspects of human nature to understand. I wonder why some relationships work and some do not. Why there is so much understanding, love, joy and respect in one relationship while other relationships are totally devoid of that. It takes 2 individuals in one relationship to... [read more]

Laura O'callaghan Hch.dip.hyp.ctrl.prac

Transformation Programme

Posted by Laura O'callaghan Hch.dip.hyp.ctrl.prac 1737 Days Ago

33% off until the end of Feb, be quick! Would you like to confront the barriers that’s blocking your progress & break them down? Speak to your past & get forgiveness & total acceptance? Stand up to the bully’s & the judge that condemned you? Then speak to yourself!(Your subconscious)  INTRIGUED READ ON... I’m a qualified HYPNOTHERAPIST, REMEDIAL HYPNOTIST, COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPIST... [read more]

Shelley  Edwards

Conflict Management

Posted by Shelley Edwards 1737 Days Ago

Conflict is viewed as disruptive and therefore needs to be controlled and changed so that it doesn’t create excessive emotional or physical stress     Hello!Have you ever had to manage a difficult situation?  I suspect the answer is yes as it is a very common thing.How do you think you did?Some of us like it, some of us hate it, but the truth... [read more]

Corinne Denham

Update your mind, not just your phone

Posted by Corinne Denham 1816 Days Ago

Why do we update every piece of technology we have, yet why do we live our lives with a mind running on old data?   As children growing up, we develop our personalities, forge our characters, copy sets of behaviours – heavily influenced by our parents or caregivers and any other people who are part of our surroundings.   Every... [read more]

Rosemary  Cunningham

Does running my therapy business have to be stressful?

Posted by Rosemary Cunningham 1870 Days Ago

I’ve asked myself this many times over the last 26 years when it’s all seemed a bit much!  Most of us do..  However, things have changed this year and at last have an answer!  I’ve always believed business should happen with a sense of ease! Here are some tips for keeping it simple. No, running a business doesn’t... [read more]

Robyn Harris

Life Coaching

Posted by Robyn Harris 2064 Days Ago

I came across a post on Facebook the other day that shared a wonderful TED Talk given by Susan David (The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage). That, and some conversations I’ve had recently, got me thinking about why I do what I do. Susan grew up in South Africa during apartheid which affected her deeply. I... [read more]

Stephen Walker

Today I want to share the G.R.O.W. Model. The G.R.O.W. Model is perhaps the most widely used coaching model around the world. This model was first promoted by Sir John Whitmore in the 1980s. I think it can be helpful to apply in achieving your goals. Here is the summary:           Goals—What do you want to achieve?          ... [read more]

Honey Lansdowne

How a gratitude list can help you feel better about life

Posted by Honey Lansdowne 2264 Days Ago

Gratitude lists are talked about a lot now. But rarely are we shown how to write a meaningful one that works. A gratitude list is a powerful thing. If you capture the things that you are grateful for and they have real meaning to you, it can help you build happiness and can be a source of comfort... [read more]

Rosemary  Cunningham

What's your Money Archetype? The Nurturer.

Posted by Rosemary Cunningham 2344 Days Ago

Are you funny about money?   You're not alone!    Is there something uncomfortable about money for you? Do you struggle to have conversations about money?     You've not asked for a wage rise for years or you are really nervous about putting your fees up although you know it's well overdue. Maybe you’re under charging for your services and bending over... [read more]

Corinne Denham

How does our mind work?

Posted by Corinne Denham 2367 Days Ago

As children growing up, we develop our personalities, forge our characters, copy sets of behaviours – heavily influenced by our parents or caregivers and any other people who are part of our surroundings. Every event can have a positive or a negative impact on us. Without us being aware, negative past events can affect us later... [read more]

Hilary Ellis

Five tips to put more fizz in your networking !

Posted by Hilary Ellis 2437 Days Ago

Networking connects you to the people who can help you progress your career or business. It’s a two-way conversation and doesn’t need to be scary. Follow these 5 tips to get more from your networking this year! Know what you want and why you want it - be clear about what you are asking for so that people can... [read more]

Nina Johnson-Campbell

Stress Management through Emotional Intelligence (E.I)

Posted by Nina Johnson-Campbell 2553 Days Ago

What exactly is Stress? Stress is a necessary, innate/natural part of our survival instinct and physiological make up; it motivates us to take action to keep us safe or to keep reaching just that bit further to achieve our dreams and aspirations; it’s the ‘fuel’ that propels us. Stress only becomes a problem when the physiological and physical... [read more]

Paulina Slater

Being Alive, Travel and Nature: Wild Dogs!

Posted by Paulina Slater 2807 Days Ago

Wild Dogs Resting my right arm against the warm metal of the rickety open vehicle, I shift from side to side to relieve the numbness from my bum as Paula tries the telemetry for the umpteenth time. Beep. Beep. Beep. We hope! We are monitoring wild dogs in Tembe Elephant Park, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. These stunningly beautiful endangered... [read more]

Caroline Stagg

Leading starts with values

Posted by Caroline Stagg 2832 Days Ago

The top three areas on my Leaders Control Panel programme are Values, Vision and Mission. We start with these because these three things underpin everything you do as a leader, wherever it is that you lead – whether it’s your family, your community, your team, your company, your sector or your country. Who are you a leader... [read more]

Hilary Ellis

5 mindshifting tips to manage difficult relationships

Posted by Hilary Ellis 2862 Days Ago

Relationships can strain to breaking point at key moments like Christmas or holidays as we rush to get work completed and we spend more time with family and friends. But every relationship - be it business or personal, positive or difficult - has its own unique characteristics. It can really help to understand that better. Stop to... [read more]

Caroline Stagg

'So what actually is coaching?'

Posted by Caroline Stagg 2883 Days Ago

When I tell people what I do, a lot of people ask “so what actually is coaching?” I’m going to try to answer that here. Coaching is a tool that lots of people make use of at different times in their life when they want to change things. This might be a specific thing like losing weight or getting... [read more]

Jane  Harrison

How To Be Your Own Life Coach - published September 2015

Posted by Jane Harrison 3012 Days Ago

Coaching helps you to move your life forward and to find fulfilment by setting goals.  It enables you to work out where you are now in your life and where you’d like to be in say, the next week/month/year.  Without these goals, you‘re just drifting - 90% of achieving the goal is in the “why” and... [read more]

Pam Jenkinson

You only have to ask

Posted by Pam Jenkinson 3151 Days Ago

At some time in our lives, all of us experience negative feelings.  The key is in how we react to our experiences. Perhaps there are difficulties with a relationship, or you feel pressured by responsibilities, a heavy workload, poor work/life balance, health worries, or financial concerns.  Always remember that you are not alone.  Never feel that you... [read more]

Will Thomas

According to research by Greg McKeown and reported in The Optimist, the average “smartphone” user logs in to their phone 110 times a day. This got me thinking. I did some simple maths. What came out surprised me. Based on this figure and a conservative assumption that it takes 2 seconds to tap in a four or... [read more]

Del Walsh

Statistics and History of Orphaned Children

Posted by Del Walsh 3153 Days Ago

Some children unfortunately do not grow up with the stability of family life with regular contact with all their families, some suffer unimaginable sadness having to come to terms with the loss or abandonment of their parents and loved ones. Although orphanages no longer exist in the UK in the way they used to (children now tend... [read more]

Alice  Martin

February is the new March - Finding optimism this winter.

Posted by Alice Martin 3184 Days Ago

January I can deal with. There is optimism, a new start and the whole year to look forward to. Plus you made it through the festive period and that is cause for a mini celebration in itself.  I find things start getting ropey come February. February can be the time of year when people get fed... [read more]

. .

Make Your Dreams Come True

Posted by . . 3205 Days Ago

As we are just over a week into our New Year I am wishing that you are gradually moving forward in the direction of your dreams. If on the other hand you still feel stuck or like you have ‘failed’ at the plan you had set, please don’t be hard on yourself, know that with each... [read more]

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Yesterday in Part 1, I talked about the importance of connecting with your heart and setting meaningful goals for yourself to really start making the changes in life that you really desire. Today I will expand on this further with ideas and exercises on how to bring your goals to life. Now that you have listened to your... [read more]

Tania Abdulezer

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Posted by Tania Abdulezer 3205 Days Ago

“I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around- nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to... [read more]

Tania Abdulezer

The magic formula for success!

Posted by Tania Abdulezer 3205 Days Ago

The magic formula for Success! ‘Had a certain divorced single mother, living on welfare in a tiny Edinburgh flat, been more concerned with regrets of the past or anxieties for the future, the world might not have marvelled at the adventures of a young wizard named Harry!’ ‘Great performers in all fields of endeavour need to apply this... [read more]

Alice  Martin

Making This Year Count

Posted by Alice Martin 3205 Days Ago

Making This Year Count New Year’s resolutions; everyone makes them, but not everybody follows through with them. If you have decided that 2016 is the year you start your novel, lose weight or learn to cook, then here are a few tips to give you the fighting chance we all need when taking on something new. As a... [read more]

. .

Now the New Year officially starts today for some as it’s the first day back at work after Christmas and we tell ourselves we can now focus on our goals. Therefore what better time to share with you my approach to setting intentions for the year ahead and achieving our dreams. I advise you to abandon the... [read more]

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My purpose of writing a blog is to share the message that peace of mind is possible, and I believe in turn, so is peace in the world. Every year I have suffered with the infamous January blues, the slump you feel as the excitement and magic of Christmas dies down and there are no distractions left... [read more]

Tania Abdulezer

Are you spending your time wisely?

Posted by Tania Abdulezer 3253 Days Ago

Are you spending your time wisely? Imagine… There is a bank that credits your account each morning with £86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out all of it, of course!!! Each of us has... [read more]

Tania Abdulezer

Are you taking yourself seriously?

Posted by Tania Abdulezer 3253 Days Ago

"All my life I've wanted to be somebody. But I see now I should have been more specific." Jane Wagner, Writer and Director Are you taking yourself seriously? What I mean by that is do you know what really matters to you? And are you focused on those things in a way that is noticeable to yourself and others? If... [read more]

Nancy Radford

Want to change your luck?

Posted by Nancy Radford 3294 Days Ago

Think changing your luck is like a pig dreaming of flying? Or do you think luck is what you're given? Professor Richard Wiseman spent years studying people who describe themselves as lucky, and to all intents and purposes seem to have had more than their fair share of good things happen to them. He compared them to others who... [read more]

Steven Blake

So Where's the Catch?

Posted by Steven Blake 3305 Days Ago

Every day I learn several more lessons about life, these often come from mundane things and yet they can make the most profound learning experiences. Usually I take how the mind works and transfer it into how to deal with practical issues, but today’s blogs is learning about how the mind works from the practical. Trudy, my... [read more]

Nirasha Ramlugan

What's holding you back from achieving success?

Posted by Nirasha Ramlugan 3357 Days Ago

What's holding YOU back? I've been reading a very short book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, entitled, "Who moved my Cheese?" In the 13 pages, I've realised that we all love cheese and everyone's cheese is different. The 'Cheese' could be different....goals, material possessions, spiritual beliefs, career paths etc. in our lives. So what stops us from venturing out... [read more]