Ingrid Hoffman

Dancing in the Moonlight—Leo Moon—January 28th

Posted by Ingrid Hoffman Over 1 Year Ago

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit— Helen Keller.
Gratitude is the homeopathic remedy for the heart and today as we look up at the stars; dream of sailing to an uncharted land…allow our spirit to soar…
Tonight’s Full Leo Moon offers a glimpse of new possibilities as the fierce heat of Fire meets the lightness of Air. Her opening move is an opposition to the Sun in airy Aquarius. Today, the Sun makes it’s annual conjunction with buoyant Jupiter, an invitation to give thanks for those friendships that nourish us; the groups that draw us into the comfort of belonging. Mercury is slowing down and will station Retrograde on January 30th (27 ° Aquarius) and as it moves through the Aquarius section of your birth chart, we have an opportunity to focus on those relationships that matter. May a deeper awareness dawn as we courageously dare to open up deeper communication with a friend or family member. The New Moon on February 11th conjoins Mercury Retrograde, so as this cycle begins this weekend if we allow our words come from our heart.
Venus and Pluto meet today intensifying our relationships, heightening our desires, compelling us to live boldly, more authentically. Pluto/Venus aspects are never lukewarm. And although Mars is separating from a belligerent conjunction with Uranus, the sky story is still unpredictable, highly charged, emotionally loaded.
The poet, Ted Hughes (Sun in Leo) writes, “the only thing people regret is that they didn’t live boldly enough, that they didn’t invest enough heart, didn’t love enough. Nothing else really counts at all.”
As the Moon Queen sails through the night skies, we may feel attuned to the grandeur of Leo’s spark as our imagination flames out, burning away all doubt and limitation. May our qualities of strength and courage ripen. May we let fear and worry slip away as we celebrate those people and circumstances that support us.